Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spooky Skeletons

Sorry, I‘ve been busy with lost of Halloween/Fall projects!  But I’m excited to share some them with you. 

Yesterday the little one and I read Dem Bones by Bob Barner, a cute little book based on the song, “The foot bone’s connected to the . . .”  We actually got the book and book on CD from the library which was a lot of fun.


After reading the book we made our own skeletons out of Q-Tips.  (Yes, I know my skeletons only have four fingers and toes, they are a special mutated kind of skeletons, that’s what makes them spooky!) 

About 18 Q-Tips for each skeleton (22 if you plan on making five fingered and toed skeletons)
Elmer’s Glue
black cardstock/construction paper
white paper
googly eyes


{To Make}

Skeleton PartsGet supplies ready, cut Q-Tips, cut out skull, draw on details.

IMG_7667IMG_7670  Glue parts on black paper, don’t worry too much about extra glue, it will dry clear.  Add bows and eys.  Let dry well.


IMG_7671 I am going to frame mine and add them to my Halloween decor!  Hope you enjoy making your own Spooky Skeletons.


Edited 10/18:



178_0098Bought some Dollar Store frames, made a little orange mat, cut out some vinyl letters, hung these cute guys (and girl) up on the wall!  (Going to go re-hang guy!  Looking at the pic made me realize he’s a little off!  Oops!)


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  1. this is such a fun idea!! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  2. So cute! I will have to try this with my little ones. I found you via Metamorphosis Monday. I used q-tips in my project too, but only to clean:{

  3. How Fun!! I would love to make these with my kids. Thank you for sharing such a fun idea.

  4. Haha those are soo cute! Is it ok that I want to make one on my own and I dont even have kids? haha!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  5. These are adorable. I love this idea and I'm going to make one with my little boy today. Thanks for the great idea!

  6. Adorable! I'm giving you an award tomorrow at

  7. Oh wow! These are hilarious!! What fun and what a clever idea to use Q-tips!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty on Red Ted Art!! Much appreciated!


  8. I love their happy faces. I would love for you to link this post to Read.Explore.Learn. tomorrow.

  9. This project brings me back to the days when my kids were in preschool...sigh...miss that :(

    I always loved this project :)

  10. They are so cute! I think we may have to do this project! I found you through Lucky Star Lane.

  11. I love these guys! I will have to make some with my littles. Thanks so much!

  12. Q-tips, wow, who would have thought! very impressive and such a fun project. Love them!


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