Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Heart Pancakes

It’s February!  Is it just me or did January seem like the longest month ever?! 

Today I am excited to share with you a perfect Valentiney meal.  My husband and daughter love pancakes.  We spiced things up a bit the other night when we had them for dinner and had our pancakes heart style.

Pancakes 4

I don’t have a fancy heart pancake thingy, but I did have heart shaped cookie cutters and a clothespin:

Pancake 1

Worked just great for me!


Pancake 3

Added some heart shaped butter.  Just like cutting out sugar cookies, out of a slice of butter, with tiny little heart cookie cutters.  I just couldn’t resist buying them at Michael's the other day!

Pancake 6

Just make sure butter is fairly cold, like straight out of the fridge cold. 


Pancake 5

Even easier just put a little heart butter on regular old pancakes.  Hope you enjoy!  Would love to hear about how you are sharing the love this month!


  1. This is so cute :) Fantastic idea. The butter is a great touch.

  2. I forgot that you live in Layton, e.g. not too far from O-town and can totally try The Sonora Grill. I loved loved loved the stacked enchiladas, table side guac, and agua fresca. Deelish. :)

  3. What a great idea with the clothespin! I love the extra little heart with the butter too. I'll have to do this up for my kiddies - they'd love them!

  4. great idea and they look yummy. I "heart" pancakes.

  5. I think making heartshaped food is such a fun and creative way to celebrate Valentine's Day.


{Thanks for taking time to stop by!}

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