
Monday, January 7, 2013

Peppermint Playdough

Hello friends!  How was you Christmas?  I hope it was wonderful!  I know ours was – wet, but wonderful. 
We spent it in Oregon visiting my husbands family.  It was so fun for our kids to be apart of their Christmas traditions.  Green eggs and ham for Christmas breakfast anyone?!  And who doesn’t love spending Christmas with Nana and Papa?! 
As always I am sad to see Christmas go.  So depressed in fact that Christmas has been half taken down at our house for a few days now. 
How was your first week of 2013?  (Well almost first week!)  Ours has been quite exciting!
So far in 2013 we . . .
Went sledding!

Made GIANT snowflakes.  We had sent some to Connecticut a few weeks ago, but just had to make some for ourselves too!

Jaylie and I made cake pops with the Bakerella cake pop making toy that we got in the mail because I won a give away over at Munchkin Munchies!  Thanks Sue!  We loved it, and had so much fun!  I am in love with the little pink and blue bowls that it came with, and may have used one to make eggs for dinner tonight, just because it is so cute!

I also finished reading The Help, again, which I absolutely adore.  Fished a sock out of the toilet, which no one will admit to putting there (which leads us to believe it is the only person who can’t talks . . . ). 
And started planning this cutie’s FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! 

I also tried my hardest to update our family blog, I am usually pretty good and was only a few weeks behind!  While I was looking through our pictures, I found these and was reminded of these cute little presents I sent to preschool with our oldest. 
And yes, I said reminded, because I had totally forgotten about them.
I think my brain did it on purpose so that next time I think it is a good idea to make play dough for 17 kiddos and wait till the morning OF, and then run out of cream of tarter and have to frantically run to the only grocery store in our little podunk Idaho town, only to find it not open for another hour . . . and then have red hands for a week after because of all the red food dye. . . Whew I want to cry just thinking about it. 
But they were cute, and smelled delightful, and the kiddos were so excited (the parents maybe not so much . . . ).  So it was all worth it right?
I used this recipe from The Idea Room, but added red gel paste food coloring to it. 
I found that the little deli containers that they give you salads and stuff in where the cheapest route for packaging.  I got mine at Albertson’s for 10 cents a piece. 
Stuck it in a cellophane bag, added some tulle, and tags, and viola!
Here are some blank tags for you!
Blank Peppermint Playdough
Here’s to a crafty (tear free) 2013!

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